Help! I need to use a candle as a light source in rooms in my Quest text adventure game

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asked Oct 7 in Authoring by StillLearning (1 point)

Hi everyone

I am currently making a fantasy game on Quest and a few of the rooms are dark.

I want them to be dark when the player enters so they will have to use a candle (from the inventory) to light the room so they can move on.

I don't want them to be able to move on further into the room without using the candle but I cannot find this in the help documentation (although at the moment I am now going cross eyed with all the research and screenshots!!!)

Thank you in advance! :)

1 Answer

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answered Oct 10 by hegemonkhan (161 points)

resources on the 'light~dark' feature: (Portable Latern Library by Darkweaver)

the key thing is to note there's 3 states of 'lightness~darkness': "weak" (a limited light source), "strong" (light: a light source), and "(empty)" (dark: not a light source). Note the differences amongst the 3 states, especially take note of "weak".

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