I just discovered "Quest" and the Interactive Fictions and I am basically a complete newbie to the whole system. So please forgive me this very simple question, but the help files on the "gamebook" type seem not to be very helpful for me. In fact, I still struggle with the most basic questions on how to include simple script. If somebody could show me a few basic steps, I'd be very, very grateful.
I have two questions for the moment.
1.) How do I include a player's attribute into the story?
Basically, I plan the following: I want to have an attribute like "Happiness". It can start on 0. (I am already thinking of maybe including a random starting stat, but that's for later). How do I establish this in the first place? Where do I have to click to include it and what do I have to define?
I want to have this attribute or stat to increase and decrease at certain occasions. Player experiences something nice = Happiness +1. And so on. At the moment I plan for this to be a hidden stat, but I don't mind if somebody can explain me how to make it visible.
2.) How can I make an attribute/stat influence the text being shown?
I am pretty sure it has something to do with the "IF" command, but again, I struggle with the simple basic questions: Say the player enters a certain place, and if his happiness is >5, I want to add text to the paragraph like "This is a beautiful place", whereas if his happiness is 0, the text should read "You feel depressed by the dark colours of this place."
Again, I apologize for these very basic questions, and if somebody can guide me to a link with a comprehensible explanation that's just as fine. I searched the Wiki and this site here though, and most texts and answers seem to be directed at people who already know a bit what they are doing. I seem to lack the main understanding of: What do I have to click and write where to put the basic system in place.
Thank you so much in advance! :)
System is Windows Vista, Quest is 5.6.1.