How can I add changing maps or inventories to a Twine game?

0 votes
asked May 8 in Authoring by verityvirtue (23 points)
retagged May 13 by Alex

I was thinking of having a changing map in a Twine story. Something like a diagram which will change according to the passages you've visited, like a roguelike. Alternatively, I want to have a sidebar which will display an inventory or something like that, like in Kerkerkruip or in RPGs such as Sil.

Is this feasible and/or possible? Do you have any ideas how I might go about doing it? (Would it be a lot easier in another language like Inform 7?) Thanks!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 8 by bg (692 points)

I think the game Icepunk has a changing map, so it's at least possible.

0 votes
answered Jul 11 by anonymous

You can definitely do both in Twine. Google "twine minimap" and you'll find a script for a minimap that moves to display different locations as you set x and y coordinates. It requires a script page and a stylesheet, but if you read the thread you'll get all the usage explanations and fixes that you'll need.

I'm sure there are inventory systems for Twine also as I've seen mention of using them, but I haven't used them myself. My needs have been more limited so I've opted to just hijack the StoryMenu page with various conditions upon which to display links and other stats.

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