How do I pass variables between Twine and javascript?

+1 vote
asked Apr 13 in Authoring by peterorme (104 points)
edited Apr 13 by peterorme

How do I pass variables between Twine and javascript? Is this different for different versions of Twine and/or different story formats?

In Twine 1.4 using the Sugarcane story format, Twine variables are in state.history[0].variables javascript variable, but with SugarCube I guess they are somewhere else.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 13 by peterorme (104 points)
selected Apr 20 by peterorme
Best answer

I found the answer in the sugarcube Story API.

With Sugarcube, you need to use rather than state.history[0].variables.

For example (using Twine 1.4 with a Sugarcube 1.0.19 story format), you can add a passage with the script tag and do this = function(x) {["bar"]="quux";

And in a passage you can do

bar is <<print $bar>>

The prerender function (arbitrarily named "foo") will be run before any passage, and set the "bar" variable to "quux". In the passage you can access this as $bar.

To do the reverse (use a Twine variable in JavaScript code), just do the reverse:

in a passage, do

<<set $bar = "quux">>

and in javascript:

var bar =;

To do the same thing in the built-in story formats (Sugarcane, Jonah, Responsive) you just need to use state.history[0] instead of

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