Who is the author of sample project 'Onyx' which comes with the Inform7 desktop client?

+2 votes
asked Apr 28 in Playing by jo-mo

I am referring to the short sample based on that Slavic folk tale. I'd just love to read more IF by the same author.

I managed to find out that the other sample project ('Disenchantment Bay') was written by Emily Short. I would assume same goes for Onyx but it seems impossible to confirm. Does anybody know for sure?

Thank you.

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered May 3 by Ryan Veeder (290 points)
edited May 3 by Ryan Veeder

Emily Short has written several fractured-fairy-tale games with titles that are the names of materials: Bronze, Glass, Indigo, Alabaster, and probably others. (Another uncredited example game from the recipe book, "Pine", adapts the story of Sleeping Beauty; "Sand" is a scene from Cinderella—the Brothers Grimm version, which involves sorting peas and lentils.)

Based on these data I felt comfortable in concluding that she also wrote Onyx, a conclusion I just now confirmed using social media.

commented May 5 by jo-mo (1 point)
Now that I think about it it IS pretty obvious:) Thank you for even confirming it 'officially'!
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