How to make the player specify which thing of a kind they mean? (Inform 7)

0 votes
asked Jun 3 in Authoring by anonymous
edited Jun 3

I just started programming with Inform 7, so maybe this is a trivial question.
However I'm struggling with the following problem and was not able to find an answer in the two manuals:

There is a room called the Copenhagen Room.
The miniature model is a supporter. It is in the Copenhagen room.
The description is "This is a miniature model of the Tivoli Gardens amusement park. You can see two rides: a roller-coaster called 'Rutschebanen' and a carousel named 'The Star Flyer'."
A ride is a kind of thing. 
The tiny roller-coaster is a ride. It is part of the miniature model.
The tiny carousel is a ride. It is part of the miniature model.

Now when the player enters 'examine ride' they will get the reaction 'You can't see any such thing.'
What do I have to do so that they will get the response 'Which ride do you mean, the tiny roller-coaster or the tiny carousel?' and then be able to specify the ride?

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Jun 3 by bg (692 points)
Best answer

The example "Vouvray" in the documentation shows adding synonyms for kinds. In your case, you could say

 Understand "ride" as a ride. Understand "rides" as the plural of ride.
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