Should I use the forums to alert people to a bug I noticed?

0 votes
asked Mar 30 in Meta by Paul_Erdos (39 points)

I recently spent an hour commenting and uncommenting every block of my code trying to find the source of a "bug". I just discovered it wasn't a bug. I thought I did something to cause the statusbar to disappear, but apparently, if the Inform window isn't tall enough, it will stop rendering the statusbar when text / commands reach the bottom of the space. It disappears exactly as it would if code fouled it up, but it's just the IDE.

Should I alert people to this really irritating "bug", or is the bug report enough? There seem to be a whole lot of bugs reported, and so I'm afraid someone else might waste their time like this, because my bug report is lost in a sea of other ones.

(I'm still getting used to the etiquette here, so if this isn't the place for this, I apologize in advance.)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 30 by bg (692 points)
selected Mar 30 by Paul_Erdos
Best answer

I doubt anyone would expect you to share this kind of bug on a forum, unless you were looking for feedback or a workaround, but that doesn't necessarily mean people would object if you did. I'd suggest asking a moderator at whatever forum you're thinking of.

commented Mar 30 by Paul_Erdos (39 points)
It's not really a bug, and the workaround is to resize the window. If I tell people about it, they'd know not to scour their code for no reason. But, hey, maybe my bug isn't that special. (=
0 votes
answered Mar 30 by peterorme (104 points)

I think the official way to report bugs in Inform7 (including IDE) is to use

commented Mar 30 by Paul_Erdos (39 points)
edited Mar 30 by Paul_Erdos
It sure is, and I made the report. Thing is, it looks like there's thousands of bugs that ordinary users wouldn't have to deal with, So I'm wondering if I should alert people some other way so they don't waste inordinate amounts of time.
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