
JS.setPanes (string text, string background)
JS.setPanes (string text, string background, string text2, string background2)
JS.setPanes (string text, string background, string text2, string background2, string highlight)

New in Quest 5.7

Sets the colours for the panes on the right. You can use either two, four or five parameters.

The text will be in fore, whilst the background will be in back. When an object is selected, it will be in secFore on a secBack background, if given, otherwise it will be back on a fore background (i.e., reversed colours). When a player is clicking on an object, the background will be the highlight colour, or orange if not given.

JS.setPanes("black", "white")
JS.setPanes("black", "white", "white", "#444")
JS.setPanes("black", "white", "white", "#444", blue)