The “defaultobject” type is defined in CoreTypes.aslx. It is automatically inherited by all objects so there is no need to inherit this directly.
This type defines default behaviour for an object:
- displayverbs “Look at” and “Take”
- inventoryverbs “Look at”, “Use” and “Drop”
- not takeable
- droppable
- gender and article use NeutralGender and NeutralArticle templates
- not a container, therefore not open, openable or closeable
- default descprefix, objectslistprefix, exitslistprefix, contentsprefix
- empty description
- not scenery
- hidechildren and listchildren both false
- usedefaultprefix is true
- implementation of onopen, onclose, onlock, onunlock, onswitchon and onswitchoff by triggering a script when the values of isopen, locked and switchedon change