I accidentally deleted a game, can I somehow recover it?

0 votes
asked Jul 22 in Authoring by Mika
edited Jul 23 by Alex

I accidentally deleted a game on textadventures.co.uk because I thought it was a different game.
I've worked really hard on it, and I was wondering if there was a way to recover it.
Please help me, I don't want to start over.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 23 by Alex (486 points)

There's no undelete option unfortunately.

It may be possible for an admin (i.e. me) to recover your game. Send an email or use the contact form on textadventures.co.uk and give as many details as possible - your username, the name of the game, the time you deleted it, etc., and I'll see if I can recover it.

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