The problem is that when you add a verb to an object, it creates a verb behind the scenes for you. And if you accidentally create the verb with the wrong pattern (e.g. you forgot the # the first time), then it keeps finding that existing verb and using it, no matter what you type for the new pattern.
If you are using the online editor, then I don't think there is a way to fix it. You would need to delete the verb, but there is no way in the online version to do that. You could download the file and continue on the desktop version, but I don't know a way to continue on in the online editor.
If you're using the offline desktop version, you should be able to find the bad verb under the Verbs group under "game" in the left pane. You can either delete the verb and re-add it on the object, or you can fix the pattern and then add it to object as an existing verb.