Is there a known bug with commands not functioning?

0 votes
asked Jun 24 in Authoring by corbomite
retagged Jun 26 by Dannii

I'm in a situation where I am exactly recreating the say command as covered in this tutorial:

enter image description here

Yet in the game, the "say" command does not function. Is this a known bug? Are there any known ways to fix this?

enter image description here

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 25 by hegemonkhan (161 points)
edited Jun 25 by hegemonkhan

a simple thing to check:

if you accidentally have any extra spaces in your Command's 'pattern' text box (this happens sometimes when copying and pasting, for example, due to accidental over-highlighting), as thus then your input of 'say banana' won't match up to that pattern with those extra spaces in it. Especially check if you got a space before 'say' and after ' #text# ' in your Command's 'pattern' text box, or if you got a double space between 'say' and ' #text# '.

I just tested it, and it works fine for me. So, I think it probably will be an extra accidental space character within your Command's 'pattern' text box.

if this is the issue, welcome to the world of coding, where you must be 100% typo and spelling error free, and grammer (syntax~format) perfect, laughs.

commented Jun 25 by Corbomite (1 point)
An extra space was in fact the problem.  A very small thin so suss out, so thanks very much.
0 votes
answered Jun 25 by jaynabonne (141 points)

Besides what HK said, also be sure where you added the command. A command can be in the global Commands section or it can be attached to a room. If it's attached to a room, then it will only work in that room.

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