Is there a way to make the background color of window X always reflect the background color of window Y, even if the color of window Y gets changed?
Using this as a starting point
Include version 15/150128 of Flexible Windows by Jon Ingold.
The side window is a g-window spawned by the main window.
The position of the side window is g-placeright.
The scale method of the side window is g-proportional.
The measurement of the side window is 33.
Toggling the side window is an action out of world.
Understand "side window" as toggling the side window.
Carry out toggling the side window:
if the side window is g-present:
close the side window;
open the side window.
The border window is a graphics g-window spawned by the side window.
The position of the border window is g-placeleft.
The scale method of the border window is g-fixed-size.
The measurement of the border window is 20.
After constructing the side window:
open the border window;
Rule for refreshing the side window:
say "This should be indented.[line break]So should this."
Table of User Styles (continued)
window (a g-window) background color (a text)
side window "607080"
Place is a room.
I added this, which didn't compile:
The background color of the border window is the background color of the side window.
and when I tried this
The background color of the border window is "[background color of the side window]".
it compiled but did not make the colors match.