(This question originally asked by The Pixie on the textadventures forum)
While we can use the picture script command, I was wondering if I can put HTML "img" tags in text. I had a look at what the picture script command actually does, and it uses "img" tags, like this:
<img src="quest://local/flower.jpg?c=93347006">
<img src="quest://local/flower.jpg?c=93347124">
<img src="quest://local/flower.jpg?c=93347180">
<img src="quest://local/flower.jpg?c=93347183">
These were all for the same thing (looking at an item), performed twice in a play through, two separate plays through. So what is that number? It seems to increase every time. Even if you close Quest, then start it up again this number is remembered and increased, though not be the same amount each time.
It is not required offline, but it is online, and it does seem to matter what it is. So how do I get it? And what does it do?