Is "plot-explanation" the right tag? What have you learned about the plot of Terminator that you didn't know before from reading this question?

–1 vote
asked Mar 26 in Meta by dw (9 points)
recategorized Mar 27 by Alex
Is plot-explanation an apt tag for question below:

Previous discussion

dannii: I'm unable to make a question that links to your comment.

juhanna: Sorry! I'm unable to reply to your comment. I'm unable to make a comment on that post.
commented Mar 26 by Juhana (246 points)
This should be a comment to that post instead of a new question.
commented Mar 26 by Dannii (329 points)
We need to make it so that you can always comment on your own posts. In the mean time I'll remove the points restriction on all comments.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 26 by Dannii (329 points)

I think it's an appropriate tag. At the moment you won't learn anything, but if someone gives you a good definitive answer then of course you will. "Is it possible that the protagonist is alone and only imagines crewmates?" Whether the answer is Yes or No, you've learned something about the game, right?

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