Does the offline Quest interpreter offer any features to players that online play does not?

0 votes
asked Sep 14 in Playing by bg (692 points)

IFDB doesn't seem to have instructions for how to play Quest story files, but I assume this is what you'd use--desktop version of Quest:

(If not, please let me know!)

Does the desktop interpreter offer any features to players that you don't get when you play a Quest game online?

In other words, is there any special reason to download the desktop interpreter if you're just planning to play a Quest game, not make one?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 15 by Alex (486 points)
selected Sep 15 by bg
Best answer

There are no additional features really - you just get the ability to play games locally, so it will work when you're offline. Also you can save files to your own machine, so you can have multiple save points whereas online you currently only get one.

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