Hello! I was wondering if it was possible in Quest to have the game print out a sentence compiled randomly of predetermined components?
Let's say for example's sake I was making a game where I would want the description of a TV screen to change every time the player looked at it. I want the description to be "X is doing Y to Z", where the words for X, Y, and Z are randomly chosen from a list of possible phrases. The choices for X could include "the dog", "the cat", and "the giraffe"; for Y, "is eating", "is chasing", and "is jumping on"; and for Z, "a man", "an apple", and "a car". So the description for the programme playing on the TV could be "The dog is chasing a car", or "The giraffe is eating a man", or "The cat is jumping on an apple", or any other combination - always different, but always in the same order.
Sorry for the convoluted explanation, but I hope you get what I mean! I don't think this should be too complicated or completely out of Quest's wheelhouse, but I just don't know how I can do it.