I'm trying to make it so that if the player passes through a metal detector while carrying a metal thing it goes off and they get arrested, but only if an authority is nearby. Right now I have:
To detect the player:
say "You pass through a metal detector.";
if the player is carrying a metal thing:
say "The metal detector blares annoyingly.";
if in the presence of an authority:
say "The guard grabs you and ends the story";
end the story.;
say "Nobody is around to do anything about it though";
say "You pass through it unmolested.";
A person can be an authority. A person is usually not an authority.
In the Embassy Front Lawn is a man called a guard. The indefinite article of Guard is "a". A guard is an authority.
And finally:
Instead of going south from the Embassy Front Lawn:
say "You'll have to go through a security checkpoint. It seems to have a metal detector, keep going?";
if the player consents, detect the player.
It all works without the presence of the authority bit, but I can't inform to recognize that I only want the last bit of code to fire if there's an authority around.