Quest: Two Death Messages

0 votes
asked May 22 in Authoring by JennyKline

Hey everyone,

For some reason, after an encounter reduces player health to 0%, I get two death messages, and then a room description [as the encounter changes the player location]

I've no idea what is causing this, has anyone got any suggestions?

My script is to print a centered message and then finish the game.

commented May 24 by hegemonkhan (161 points)
edited May 24 by hegemonkhan
We need to see your entire game code, to be able to find the source(s) and causes of your errors. If you need help on how to post (find~see~get at) your game code, let us know. If you don't want to make your game code public, then you can pm it to one of the staff members (moderators) of the quest forum site.

to see your game code, two ways:

(the stuff about the ' [] ' is only for if you post it here on this 'ifanswers' site)

1. simply open up your game file with a text software (notepad, wordpad, notepad++, apple: text editor, etc), highlight your entire game code, copy it, and then paste it here (after you paste it in your post, highlight all of it again, and click on the ' [] ' button at the top of your post, as this will put it into code format: it keeps it's indenting).

~ OR ~

2. within the GUI~Editor, at the top of the screen is a menu bar, click on the notepaper-like button (it's between the 'play' and '?-help' buttons, this notepaper button is a toggle to switch back and forth between the GUI~Editor mode and the Code View mode.  Now, highlight your entire game code, copy it, and then paste it here (after you paste it in your post, highlight all of it again, and click on the ' [] ' button at the top of your post, as this will put it into code format: it keeps it's indenting).
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