Why does this Javascript not work in squiffy but will in a js editor

0 votes
asked May 19 in Authoring by Rockenden


Why does the button execute in a js editor but not in squiffy?


Many thanks,

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 24 by Alex (486 points)

It seems the script tag is messing up parsing the Squiffy file for some reason.

But you don't need to use script tags - you can run JavaScript by indenting it at the top of a passage or section.

For example, here's how you display your button and bind some JavaScript to it:

    $(document).on("click", "#enter-name", function () {

<button id="enter-name">Enter name</button>

To see this working, go here: http://docs.textadventures.co.uk/squiffy/scratchpad/?gistid=0b04d3378e7f93341e39&filename=gistfile1.txt

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