This question is a bit hard to ask so it is best if I show it instead:
@set car =
@set color1 =
@set color2 =
@set colorAll =
if(get("car") =truck){
set(get("color1"), get("colorAll"));
set(get("color2"), get("colorAll"));
This is a test to make two variables the same based off of one using javascript!
Select a vehicle:{rotate car:truck:car:bus}
{if car=bus: Select a color {rotate colorAll:red:yellow:orange}
}{else: Select two colors please:
Color 1: {rotate color1:red:yellow:orange}
Color 2: {rotate color1:red:yellow:orange}
[Javascript Test](test)
You have a {color1} car! It even has {color2} tinted windows!!