For Quest: Is there a way to create a pause between pages?

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asked Apr 19 in Authoring by alucardbelle (1 point)

I'm using Quest and I know very little about coding.

Is there a way to create a small pause between pages? I have a sound playing through the beginning pages, and when it transitions to silence because of how quick it is, it sounds really awkward.

commented Apr 20 by jaynabonne (141 points)
I'm slightly confused - please bear with me. "when it transitions to silence because of how quick it is..." Because of how quick what is? Is the sound too quick? If so, then adding a pause between pages won't help. I think I'm missing the real thing you're asking.
commented Apr 20 by anonymous
moved Apr 21 by Alex

Yes! The transition of there being sound to silence is too sudden. I apologize for being confusing! Ah well do you know of a way I could possibly fix this problem if creating a pause between pages won't help?

commented Apr 20 by bg (692 points)
Are you saying that the sound gets cut off when you turn the page? If not, what is causing the sound to go silent?
commented Apr 21 by jaynabonne (141 points)
If you add a pause between pages, it will just delay the cut off, unless you put in a pause that's long enough that you know the sound will have ended completely. I don't know of a way to, say, have the sound fade out when it's stopped. You can have the sound continue on into the next page. if it's not looping, then it will stop eventually.
commented Apr 21 by alucardbelle (1 point)
Ahh okay. I start out my story with a looping sound and when I transition to a moment of silence, it's very abrupt. I was hoping for something that would help me out and make it more of a steady transition.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 21 by bg (692 points)

I've never used Quest, but from what jaynabonne said here:

You can have the sound continue on into the next page. if it's not
looping, then it will stop eventually.

I'm wondering if you could take another approach, rather than looping the sound.

If Quest doesn't do fades, what about creating a sound file that repeats the sound a few times, and then fades out? With a free sound editor like Acoustica Basic you can put in a fade yourself. Then in the story, just play the sound file once, and do what jaynabonne said as far as continuing the sound to the next page.

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