How to login from Windows version?

0 votes
asked Apr 15 in Authoring by Corduroyal
retagged Apr 17 by Alex

Is there a way I can login to my account on the downloaded version, so I can access pre-created games and edit them?

commented Apr 15 by bg (692 points)
The Windows/downloaded version of what? Please be more specific, as there are several different development tools used to make interactive fiction games.
commented Apr 16 by The Pixie (121 points)
Downloaded version of what?

ETA: Hmm, the earlier comment was not there a moment ago for me, despite apparently being added 8 hours ago.
commented Apr 16 by Alex (486 points)
My psychic powers tell me this is probably about Quest as I can't think of anything else this could apply to.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 17 by Alex (486 points)

Assuming you're asking about Quest (please edit the question if not, as it's unclear):

No, you can't access your online account directly from the desktop version. If you want to edit a game which you started online, use the Download button on your "My Games" page to download your game's .aslx file. You can then open this for editing in the desktop version.

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