How do I skin the Quest player UI?

0 votes
asked Apr 8 in Authoring by Sciver (23 points)
edited Apr 9 by Alex

I know changing the UI style in offline mode is a different process from changing it in online mode...

But I don't entirely grasp the process differences individually.

If I wanted to create a new UI style (not simply changing colors around, but actually using new images and button skins and such) what file would I need to change/include?

Would that automatically be included when I uploaded the game?
Would I need to change any significant code, or will CSS be enough?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 9 by The Pixie (121 points)
selected Apr 10 by Sciver
Best answer

There are various ways to change the UI, but it is pretty much the same on-line to off-line. The big difference is where you do it. If you are doing it offline, you can do it in a function called InitUserInterface, which Quest automatically calls whenever necessary.

You cannot do that on-line, as you cannot override existing functions. You would have to create a different function, and then ensure that that is called whenever the screen is cleared and at the start of the game (in a start script).

By the way, this forum post may be helpful.

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