This is a bit tricky. The game asks for a yes/no response, and the default seems a bit stuffy at times.
To do this, we look in Extensions\Graham Nelson and Standard Rules.i7x for "consents" and we find this:
To decide whether player consents
(documented at ph_consents):
(- YesOrNo() -).
The parentheses denote I6 code, but don't worry. We can search for that in Reserved.You can grep (grep -i yesorno *) , or use windows search or whatever. It turns out there's a file called parser.i6t which has YesOrNo! A lot of the code may look semi-sensible, but this line looks promising, with a cursor after it:
L__M(##Quit, 1); print "> ";
So, say,
print "There is no escaping! You must answer yes or no, or y or n if you're in a hurry >";
Is doable. Maybe you can think of a better response, or even use arrays to make the parser more impatient (but make sure it makes the player laugh.)
There's one more thing, though. You don't want to change any of the lines in parser.i6t, since that would muck up your next project. Here's what you can do, though:
Include (-
[ YesOrNo i j;
for (::) {
if (location == nothing || parent(player) == nothing) read buffer parse;
else read buffer parse DrawStatusLine;
j = parse->1;
KeyboardPrimitive(buffer, parse);
j = parse-->0;
#Endif; ! TARGET_
if (j) { ! at least one word entered
i = parse-->1;
if (i == YES1__WD or YES2__WD or YES3__WD) rtrue;
if (i == NO1__WD or NO2__WD or NO3__WD) rfalse;
print "But Thou Must answer yes or no > ";
-) instead of "Yes/No Questions" in "Parser.i6t".
This looks like a mouthful just to change one line, but I really just cut and pasted YesOrNo from Parser.i6t, changing the L__M((##Quit,1).
If you're wondering where ##Quit comes in, you can search for Quit in Language.i6t.