How do I build an I7 project from the command line in Windows?

0 votes
asked Mar 23 in Authoring by AndrewS (250 points)
edited Mar 27 by Alex
Apparently it's easy in Linux, but this bugged me for a long time, so I'll spell it out.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 23 by AndrewS (250 points)
This is a hard-coded answer, but this is the rough syntax. You can adjust it for flexibility (e.g. sa to something more general. This worked for when I build a project of my own.)


if "%HOME% EQU "" (
set HOME=c:\games\inform\cmdbuild



mkdir %HOME%



cd c:\games\inform\sa.inform\Build


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\ni" -release -rules "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Inform7\Extensions" -package "C:\games\inform\sa.inform" -extension=ulx
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\inform-632" -kw~S~DG +include_path=..\Source,.\ auto.inf output.ulx
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\cblorb" -windows ..\Release.blurb output-release.gblorb

echo DEBUG

cd c:\games\inform\sa.inform\Build

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\ni" -rules "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Inform7\Extensions" -package "C:\games\inform\sa.inform" -extension=ulx
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\inform-632" -kwSDG +include_path=..\Source,.\ auto.inf output.ulx
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\cblorb" -windows ..\Release.blurb output-debug.gblorb


Note that if you tinker with Release.blurb, you can change the output name, but that would require PERL.
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