question-closed Is there any way to see the map of a story?

0 votes
asked Mar 27 in Authoring by anonymous
closed Mar 27 by Dannii

Another words I want to get the graph of story like that

closed with the note: Unclear what you are asking. Please edit this to add more details so we can reopen it.
commented Mar 27 by Dannii (329 points)
You need to provide us more details: which development system are you using? Do you want a physical map, or a graph of the plot or something else?
commented Mar 27 by Juhana (246 points)
The map of a game you're playing, or one that you're making?
commented Mar 27 by bg (692 points)
@Dannii--I wonder if it would make sense to have something in the question form with a drop-down menu or a text-entry box to enter the development system, if applicable? Or even just a note in there to remind/prompt people. If people are coming from other forums that deal with only one development system or have separate subforums for them, people may not be in the habit of including it in the question.
commented Mar 27 by Alex (486 points)
We can add custom HTML to the "ask" form, so maybe some (short) guidance should go there.
commented Mar 27 by Dannii (329 points)
I'm also thinking that it might be good to use the "Categories" system of the software: we could have them for authoring, playing, and meta.
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