Are new users unable to upvote/downvote responses?

0 votes
asked Mar 25 in Meta by RobinMarx (38 points)
recategorized Mar 27 by Alex
Using Chrome. The finger appears when mousing over the upvote/downvote buttons, but clicking has no effect.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 26 by Dannii (329 points)
selected Mar 26 by RobinMarx
Best answer

I have just written a new FAQ page about reputation points.

You need 15 points to vote up and 50 points to vote down.

I think it would be better if the buttons weren't shown to those who can't use them. I will investigate other themes...

commented Mar 26 by Alex (486 points)
I think the voting buttons should stay visible even if you can't use them - that is consistent with how Stack Exchange does it:
commented Mar 26 by Dannii (329 points)
You know when I wrote this I thought SE hid them. Shows what a great memory I have :P Maybe we could make them stand out less. (Actually I think many of the colours in this theme are too strong/distracting. I prefer the SE subtleness.)
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answered Mar 25 by Natas (17 points)
No, so far I have been able to. Try using google chrome.
0 votes
answered Mar 25 by RobinMarx (38 points)
Hmm, now when I mouseover I get a "Voting is only available to some users" tooltip. The mechanism behind this is probably clear to Stackoverflow users, but it seems pretty opaque to a newcomer like myself.
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