The relationship between exiting, getting off, and going outside: When the player types OUT, EXIT, etc. by itself, it will start off as the exiting command. If the player is not on or in anything, it will be converted into the going command with a noun of outside, which can be accessed directly via GO OUT instead. If the player is on a supporter, the exiting command will be converted into the getting off command with a noun of the supporter you are on, which can also be accessed directly via GET OFF NOUN. If the player is in a container, it will fully perform the exiting command that is used to make the player leave a container, which cannot take a noun. EXIT NOUN will result in "I only understood you as far as wanting to exit.". Be careful when doing "Instead of exiting" rules: it's all too easy to wind up in an infinite loop.
In vs. on: Make sure that your if statements use the proper preposition. If you make a supporter called a chair it is still quite easy to accidentally have an if statement of "if the player is in the chair" that will always be false since the chair is a supporter and not a container.
Getting rid of vital objects via putting on and inserting into as opposed to dropping: If you have an object that the player isn't allowed to get rid of, make sure that you not only prevent dropping it but also putting it on a supporter and inserting it into a container.