I got an answer! There is a big tick next to it - what does it do?

0 votes
asked Mar 25 in Meta by dw (9 points)
recategorized Mar 27 by Alex
commented Mar 25 by dw (9 points)
Merging tags without notice seems arbitrary. If you want to communicate: don't write more than one tag; don't make new tags: you succeeded.
commented Mar 25 by Alex (486 points)
You can make any tags you like, just understand that as the community grows they will get changed. We'll try and collectively come up with some tag guidance eventually, but there's no need to spew random tags all over a post. Generally a tag should only exist if it will actually help somebody to find the question. I can't remember what the previous tags on this question were, but let's say something like "ticks" would be a silly tag, because nobody is looking for questions about ticks, and there are no experts on ticks.
commented Mar 25 by Ryan Veeder (290 points)
Speak for yourself! I know all about ticks:

- They are arachnids
- They grasp onto you & drink your blood
- They carry lyme disease
- My friend Bryn probably has chronic lyme disease, because of all the ticks that grasped on her while she was at that hippie printmaking commune in upstate New York
- They are gross (ticks)
- Bryn values her independence very highly, and in a way that sometimes reads to her friends as "not taking care of herself"

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 25 by bg (692 points)
selected Mar 26 by dw
Best answer
Clicking the big check mark to the left of the answer will select it as the best answer to your question. If you do that, you get 2 points for choosing a best answer, and the person who answered will get 15 points for having their answer chosen. I'm not sure what else happens. Maybe it affects the order in which answers appear?
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