Forcing the player to be on a vehicle when entering a room

0 votes
asked Sep 20 in Authoring by Lisbon (1 point)

I want the player to only be able to enter the Wastelands if he's on the horse, however it won't let me enter the Wastelands whether I'm mounted or not.

I've included all code I think is possibly relevant. I've split it down to this barebones model and it still won't work. It's practically a direct copy of the Peugeot example from the documentation so I'm clueless as to why it's not working.

Include Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson.

The Ruins of Dundee is a room. "Everyone's dead yo."

A rideable animal called swift steed is here. "Your swift steed rests here." The indefinite article of the swift steed is "your". Understand "horse" as the swift steed.

The Wastelands is north of Ruins of Dundee. "To the north you see the Faraway Mountains. To the south, you see the burning rubble of Dundee."

Instead of going to The Wastelands when the player is not on the swift steed:
    say "You should get on your horse if you're going to be traveling very far."

test me with "mount horse /  n"

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 20 by bg (692 points)
edited Sep 20 by bg

From the "Vehicle Testing Center" example in the extension documentation, it looks like you need to use "carried by" instead of "on" when it's an animal:

Instead of going to The Wastelands when the player is not carried by the swift steed:
commented Sep 20 by Lisbon (1 point)
That was it. Thank you!
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