No new game option for the online editor?

0 votes
asked Sep 19 in Authoring by Duodecimus

New user here; started today by signing in with my google account.

I click the 'quest' button and get taken to
I click the blue 'Go!' button and get taken to

And then there isn't anything on the page. The empty page.

Tried this on both Firefox and Chrome, and tried again after disabling addons like Ghosterly and Ad Block.

Also a side question: How is this service for group work on a single project?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 20 by Alex (486 points)

It could be the server was overloaded, can you try again now?

If it's still not showing, can you see any errors in your browser console?

commented Sep 20 by Duodecimus (1 point)
Tried it this morning and just now, with no change.

Errors on chrome:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

adsbygoogle.js:5 Uncaught TagError: adsbygoogle.push() error: All ins elements in the DOM with class=adsbygoogle already have ads in them.

The mixed content one seems to be the problem. Connecting to takes me to a page with only the game creation stuff on it, without the fancy titlebar, or site map, or etc.
commented Sep 21 by Alex (486 points)
https is a fairly recent addition to the site so there will be various issues like this. The https URLs are not linked from anywhere so I'm guessing you're using a browser extension to force it? If you use for now this will work.
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