In the"What do you want to ... with?" phrase, replace 'my' with 'your'.

+3 votes
asked Aug 30 in Authoring by eduardomezencio (36 points)
retagged Aug 30 by Dannii

I have this in my source:

Understand "brush my teeth with [something]" as brushing teeth with.

Then, this happens:

>brush my teeth
What do you want to brush my teeth with?

This question "What do you want...", I could not find it in the Rules, using the index. I would like it to change "What do you want to brush MY teeth with?" to "What do you want to brush YOUR teeth with?". How can I fix this?

PS: I'm totally aware that expecting the player to brush his teeth in a game usually sucks.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 30 by bg (692 points)
selected Aug 30 by eduardomezencio
Best answer

Hmm. It looks like there's a way to set the indefinite article of a noun (ยง3.18. Articles and proper names) but it doesn't seem like there's an equivalent way to set the definite article.

Try this:

Some teeth are part of the player. The printed name of the teeth is "your teeth". The teeth are proper-named.

Brushing it with is an action applying to two touchable things.

Understand "brush [thing] with [thing]" as brushing it with.

Check brushing it with:
    if the noun is the second noun:
        say "You can't brush something with itself." instead;
    otherwise if the noun is not the teeth:
        say "You can't brush [the noun]." instead.
commented Aug 30 by eduardomezencio (36 points)
Well, it works. I'm probably not going to find an easy way out of this problem, anyway. Thank you!
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