alright... hopefully this is what you want to get the health's value to appear in the 'status' pane during game play...
'game' Game Object -> 'Attributes' Tab -> Status Attributes -> Add -> (see below)
Attribute Name: health
Format String: !
~ or (both of these formats should output, Health: yourcurrenthealth_amount) ~
Format String: Health: !
the '!' is a special command which will tell the quest engine to output whatever your current health is at during game play in the 'status' pane.
so now you should be seeing (for example):
Health: 999
Health: 500
Health: 100
Health: 50
Health: 0
Health: -100
etc etc etc
(you need to do some check 'if' scripting to prevent going into negative health values, so you may not be ready for this, and I don't think it matters, as you have it be a 'game over' anyways)
as for the multiple health displayment messages...
if the zombie screenshot is a Turnscript... you're going to constantly lose health until you're dead, due to the nature of the Turnscript and~or your lack of needed scripting to prevent this... if the zombie screen shot is a Timer, than you're okay... but you're still going to see the message at every interval that the Timer activates its scripting.
and for your 'object attribute equals ~ end game' screenshot... unfortunately... with the script you're using... in order for the game to end (for you to die) ... your health must land on exactly 0 ... which it may not due so, based on your starting health and the amount you reduce your health by.
what you want is this script (in code, hopefully it doesn't scare you, but it should be pretty straight forward in at least comprehension of it... I hope):
if ( <= 0)
if ( <= 0) {
// if the player's health is 0 or less, then:
msg ("You were killed or you died.")
msg ("GAME OVER")
a way to do the above via using the GUI~Editor:
(you're going to need to delete your scripts, and then redo them, using my help below):
run as script -> add new script -> scripts -> 'if' Script -> if [EXPRESSION] <= 0
-> then, -> add new script -> output -> 'print a message' script -> print [MESSAGE] You are dead.
-> add new script -> game state -> 'finish the game' Script