"read" command doesn't work?

+1 vote
asked Aug 3 in Authoring by Karmen

So in my game, there is a note and a notebook so far. I gave the notebook the "read" command (and also gave the option to say "look through" using the semicolon), and everything worked smoothly.

When I gave the "read" command to the notebook, I left out the "look through" command, and didn't think it would be a problem. But when I played through the game (what I have so far), both the notebook and the note displayed the message "you can't read; look through that.".

Did making the notebook the extra option to say "look through" in addition to "read" mess with the program? Nothing I do helps. Is there any way to fix this?

I'm mostly concerned the player will never be able to use the command "read". Any help would be appreciated.

commented Aug 9 by RanDumSocks (28 points)
Quite odd, Maybe the very "look through" is still programed in the game somewhere. If so I wouldn't know what it is ties to the verb "read"

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 15 by The Pixie (121 points)

Look under the game object; you will see a list of verbs. You probably have a "read" and a "read;look through". it is getting confused between the two.

Pick which you want to keep, then for the object that uses the wrong one, copy the text from the wrong verb to the right one. Then you can delete the verb from the list under game and it should work fine.

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