Advanced Scope For Items

Sometimes you want the player to be able to access items in other rooms. For example:

As of Quest 5.7, there are two new features that let you handle these situations relatively easily.

To change the scope of all commands, say because of the nature of the rooms or objects (as with the first two examples), use the Extended Scope feature. If this is for a specific command (as with CAST, BUY or CALL in the examples above), use Alternative Scope.

Extended Scope

On the Features tab of the game object, tick “Advanced scripts”, then go to the Advanced scripts tab. The script at the bottom allows you to add items to the scope Quest uses to decide what the player can reach.


The simplest way to use this is to set up a room, let us say it is called “scenery”, of background objects, things like walls, floor and ceiling. Each object should be set to be scenery (Setup tab). The script then adds each item in the scenery room to a special variable called “items”:

foreach (obj, GetDirectChildren(scenery)) {
  list add (items, obj)

Note that each item has to be added individually to ensure the items variable is not lost; using the ListCombine function will fail.

Note also that using ScopeVisibleForRoom rather than GetDirectChildren will cause Quest to crash, as ScopeVisibleForRoom uses this script, which uses ScopeVisibleForRoom, which uses this script, which… And so on for ever!

Because we tagged the items as scenery, they will not show up in room lists, but the player can still examine them.

We can go further, and add scenery items according to the type of room. How you do that depends on how you flag the rooms of a certain type. In the code below, it is assumed that locations in the forest all start “Forest”, etc.

if (StartsWith(, "Forest")) {
  foreach (obj, GetDirectChildren(forest_scenery)) {
    list add (items, obj)
else if (StartsWith(, "Dungeon")) {
  foreach (obj, GetDirectChildren(dungeon_scenery)) {
    list add (items, obj)
else {
  foreach (obj, GetDirectChildren(default_scenery)) {
    list add (items, obj)

Adjacent rooms

We can use the same system to allow the player to access objects in an adjacent room. This is fully compatible with the above; the code just needs to go after it. Here is an example:

if (game.pov.parent = bar room) {
  foreach (obj, GetDirectChildren(behind the counter)) {
    list add (items, obj)
if (game.pov.parent = behind the counter) {
  foreach (obj, GetDirectChildren(bar room)) {
    list add (items, obj)

What this does is check if the player is in the bar, and if so, it adds all the object that are behind the bar to the list. Also, if the player is behind the bar, it will add objects from the bar room. You can have as many of these as you like.

Alternative scope

You can also set the scope for a command. Quest will look for any matching objects in that place first. If it fails to find a match, it will then fall back to looking in the normal places (inventory and current room). You have five options:

"all"        ScopeVisible()
"inventory"  ScopeInventory()
"notheld"    ScopeVisibleNotHeld()
"room"       As above
"container"  As "all", but only includes containers
"contents"   As "all", but only includes the contents of containers
"world"      AllObjects()
objectname   GetAllChildObjects(GetObject(objectname))
attrname     GetAllChildObjects(GetAttribute(player.parent, attrname))
     or      Contents of the list

The first is the default. The second tells Quest to look in the inventory; if the players is carrying a hat and there is another on the ground, typing WEAR HAT will put on the one being held, because WEAR is set to “inventory”. Conversely, “notheld” makes Quest look in the room first.

If the text is set to the name of an object, Quest will look at the children of that object; that might be the objects in another room. This could be used for a spellbook, containing spells.

If the text is an object attribute of the current location, Quest will look at the children of that object. This could be used for a stockroom of a shop.

On the other hand, if it is an object list, then the items in the list will be used. This might be an address book, used for phoning NPCs.

You can combine scopes, so “contents;storeroom” would collect any object that the player can reach that is an object and any object in the “storeroom” location. There is no prioritising, so order does not matter.

For commands with multiple objects, you can specify by each object. You can see the format in this example:


In this example, Quest will look for object1 in containers or the storeroom location, and for object2 in the current location.

Even More Options?

You can also add your own “changecommandscope” script to add even more items to the list Quest will try to match object names against. This script can be on the command, player, the player’s parent (the room the player is in), the player’s parent’s parent, or the game object. Or all of them! This allows you to add objects on a per room or per zone basis as you like.

As with Extended Scope, your script should add items to the “items” local variable. It can access the command object via the “command” variable.